Well, it's been a long time! I've been very busy, and haven't had much time for Warhammer ):
I've pick up a few more things, Striking Scorpions, Jet Bikes, Death Reapers (finecast!), an Autarch (also finecast!), a couple of Wave Serpents, another Wraithlord, and another set of Dire Avengers. I don't have any photos right now because I've ordered a light tent so I can take better pictures, and it's currently stuck in customs in Quebec. My first Wraithlord is almost completely finished, though. I hope to order Eldrad sometime soon because it's such a great looking model.
I grabbed some great swag at my local GW's birthday bash yesterday. I got a poster for Matt (it has Space Marines on it), a krak grenade key chain, a padfolio, and two 40k army list pads. They had some mini games going on that were pretty fun, not to mention hot dogs and cake! One of the staff, Stan, showed me the Forgeworld Avatar he ordered. It's huge! I can't wait to see it when it's done.
I'm starting to run out of room in my case. It's just a tackle box, which has resulted in some Swooping Hawk wings popping off and some bent shuriken pistols. We want to get a Sabol Army Transport case, probably the Division case so Matt and I can share it. It'll be nice to have the foam. I don't want to start painting my metal models until I have a foam case.
Hopefully next post I'll have my Wraithlord finished and my light tent so I can take awesome photos to share :)