About My Blog

After some heavy persuasion from my friends and Space Marine-toting husband, I have started playing Warhammer 40k. I chose to play Eldar when I saw the model for Baharroth. I also like the smooth, curvy models and vehicles.

This blog will chronicle the assembly and painting of my Eldar army.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Colour Scheme

Good evening! I've been a bit busy lately, so I haven't had a ton of time to work on my army. I have, however, completed ONE model. I wanted to figure out my colour scheme, so I did one of my Dire Avengers from start to finish. The Exarches will look a bit different. For example, there will be a small strip of shining gold on the crest as well as the silver and black strips.

Dire Avenger

Dire Avenger

Dire Avenger

I know it looks mostly like the already existing scheme for the Dire Avengers. I didn't pick any specific Craftworld for my army because I didn't like any of their colours. I also don't plan to paint any of my other aspects their proper colour, just variations of this scheme.

Any constructive criticism on my painting is welcome. This is my first time painting, so any advice for improving would be great. :)

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